Tackling DFWI Rates

Analytics and Course Redesign Templates


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Canvas Analytics is a powerful tool that enables instructors to harness the potential of learning analytics (LA) to improve student engagement and success. By collecting and analyzing data from learner interactions, Canvas Analytics empowers instructors to make data-driven decisions that can significantly improve learning outcomes. This table provides a comprehensive weekly strategy for using Canvas Analytics to identify learning difficulties, lack of engagement, and opportunities to support students, leading to improved learning and teaching practices.

A Practical Guide to Enhancing Student Engagement with Canvas Analytics

The table below provides a comprehensive overview of the various factors that contribute to high DFWI rates and how specific Canvas Analytics features can be used to address each of these factors. The table is organized by category, including academic, institutional, student, psychological, social, and external factors. Each row in the table identifies a specific DFWI factor, the corresponding Canvas Analytics feature that can be used to gain insight into that factor, an explanation of how Canvas helps to address the issue, and suggested intervention strategies.



The table below offers a structured approach for monitoring student progress, identifying concerns, and implementing targeted support strategies. The table outlines specific data-driven actions and interventions for each day of the week, along with time-saving ideas and helpful resources. By following this practical framework, instructors can create a more responsive, personalized, and engaging learning experience for their students.



Course Redesign

The following table summarizes a collection of effective instructional practices aimed at improving student learning outcomes and addressing factors that contribute to high DFWI (D, fail, withdraw, incomplete) rates. Each strategy is briefly described, accompanied by a brief example of its use and an explanation of how it can help mitigate problems that lead to high DFWI rates. The strategies cover various aspects of course design and delivery, such as creating a supportive classroom environment, providing timely feedback, using formative assessments, implementing transparent teaching practices, designing accessible syllabi, assigning relevant and engaging work, promoting inclusive pedagogies, teaching metacognitive strategies, scaffolding learning, and encouraging critical reflection. Each strategy is supported by multiple research references, lending credibility to its effectiveness in promoting student success.



Course Redesign Template: Aligning Outcomes, Activities, and Assessments


Course Activity Design Template: Engaging Learning Experiences



Assessment Design Template: Authentic and Equitable Evaluations